The World of Italian Folk Magic ~ Book Review

The World of Italian Folk Magic - Book Review by Aurora Beth Tarot

In The World of Italian Folk MagicRose Inserra guides us through ancient folk magic and Italian folklore, customs, magic and healing practices that will simplify your life and declutter your mind and heart.

The World of Italian Folk Magic

Drawing on her Italian and strega (Italian witch) heritage, Rose Inserra's guide to the folk magic of this ancient culture is a treasure trove of Italian folklore, customs, magic, and healing practices that will simplify your life and declutter your mind and heart.

These practices fulfill the most basic needs of life: warmth, nourishment, and connection to the magical and the spiritual.

Discover unique Italian witchcraft such as spells, charms, and curse removal. Learn how to make divination tools, protective amulets, and invocations. You'll also find kitchen and herbal witchery with natural remedies to create, spells for love and potions, and recipes for food, wine, and even beauty.

Delve into Italian spiritual practices and learn about dreams, divination, and working with your ancestors, saints, and angels, deities, fairies, and nature spirits.

The Book

To check out The World of Italian Folk Magic from Rockpool's Spiritual Books range, click here!

Aurora Beth Tarot – 13 August, 2024