Luis Tamani

As a painter of Peruvian origin, Luis Tamani was born on the banks of the Ucayali River in the Amazon. He came from two ethnic backgrounds: his father is from the Kukama-Kukamilla lineage, and his mother from the Lamistas.
Luis grew up witnessing the bond between human beings and nature: his craftsman father worked with wood, while his mother worked the land. From his childhood he especially remembers his grandmother whispering words of respect and gratitude to the plants she used to heal those who sought her help.
After completing a five-year program at the art school in his home town, where he became very familiar with abstract art, it was only natural that traditional healing began to take its place in Luis's works. Abstract art gradually gave way to a more colorful style, where textures highlight the vastness of a nature filled with wisdom.
In a magical-realistic style Luis shapes the cultural beauty from which he came, a culture that has known how to respect the earth that welcomed it and recognize the tools meant for it with humility.
Being a father has only increased the respect Luis has for the living world. In his paintings, with greater awareness he pays homage to this nature, rich with subtle hues, vibrant gradients, and abundant life.
Through his workshops and thanks to exhibitions and festivals, Luis shares his vision on the importance of cultivating and strengthening this real and deep connection that unites all forms of life.

Products by Luis Tamani