The Witch's Apothecary

How to make magical potions for the Wheel of the Year

By: Lorriane Anderson


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Published: May/23 (AU/NZ), Apr/23 (US), May/23 (UK)

Bestselling author of The Seasons of the Witch Oracle cards series, Lorriane Anderson, has created a practical guide for beginning and advanced witches to unlock the greater powers of making your own apothecary blends. Lorriane owns and operates her own successful, soul-based apothecary and uses her own practices to teach you how to make potions based on your needs, intentions, and energy.

A sacred living lifestyle is like slow living, and spiritually infused and focused on mindfulness, magic and self-care. Learn to craft magical blends that carefully follow the Wheel of the Year. You will feel empowered to craft your own formulas for personal use, experiment, and work from nature to create magical blends which tie into sacred sabbat days and tip into your magical energy.

Imagine creating your own candle to improve and appreciate Abundance in your life. Or creating an incense to clear blocks in your life to love.

Learn about the various ingredients, practices, and exercises needed to begin your magical journey and start your own witchy apothecary. You will also find a selection of over 100 recipes associated with each of the sabbats in the Wheel of the Year, and instructions on how to deepen your connection with nature through these seasonal cycles.

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ISBN: 9781925946796

Published: May/23 (AU/NZ), Apr/23 (US), May/23 (UK)

Format: Hardback

Extent: 240 pages

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About The Author

Lorriane Anderson

Lorriane Anderson

Lorriane Anderson is a tarot reader, astrologer, spiritual teacher, writer, and soul-based entrepreneur. Her work focuses heavily on sacred and intentional living as well as using spiritual practices as a pathway for profound healing, growth, and transformation. She is heavily influenced by her diverse lineage, bringing together healing practices from her ancestors in a practical, updated way. She owns and operates Spirit Element, a soul-based apothecary and Made with Stardust, which provides private label development and supplies for spiritual-based businesses. Her published works include Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle and Affirmations: Words of Inner Wisdom. She currently lives in Los Angeles, CA.

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