Rockpool Publishing

The Beltane Oracle: The Seasons of the Witch Review

Step into the seasons of Beltane! Heather Hardison gives her review

Heather Hardison from Healing Thru Tarot gives her review of the Seasons of the Witch Beltane Oracle, by Lorriane Anderson and Juliet Diaz and Giada Rose.

To read the full review, click here!

Seasons of the Witch, Beltane Oracle

Get ready to embark on an empowering journey with the enchanting Beltane celebration!

This meticulously crafted book and card deck set consists of 44 mesmerizing oracle cards that draw inspiration from the rich traditions of Beltane. These cards serve as conduits for profound spiritual insight, providing guidance and illumination for your most pressing inquiries.

Through the use of invocations and word spells, you will unlock the boundless potential of each card, awakening your inner wisdom and propelling your intentions out into the universe.

Embrace the opportunity to attune yourself to the Earth's potent energies and allow your spiritual vitality to radiate brilliantly.

The Oracle Deck

Are you ready to connect with the beautiful season of Beltane? Get your copy of the Beltane Oracle, part of the Seasons of the Witch series by clicking here!

Heather Hardison – 13 May, 2024