In The Art of Grieving: Gentle self-care practices to heal a broken heart (, 1 July, $29.95), author Corinne Laan guides those who have suffered a devastating personal loss and shows them how to slow down, reflect, process and eventually emerge from deep sorrow.
Corinne explores the connection between mind, body and spirit and the intricate role they play in the healing process which allows readers to take charge of their emotional health. Each grief ritual described has been carefully chosen to shine light on areas likely to arise as the grieving and healing journey unfolds, organised to make it easy for readers to choose a ritual they feel drawn to at any particular moment. Whilst there is no quick fix to dealing with the loss of a loved one, The Art of Grieving offers readers compassion, comfort and solace as they journey towards peaceful healing.
About the author
Author Corinne Laan is a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine practitioner. As a former specialist nurse and a natural healer, she became fascinated in the human psyche and the mind-body connection. This, coupled with her own personal quest and desire for self-healing, led Corinne on a journey of self-development. While studying Traditional Chinese Medicine, she came across Yang sheng; the philosophy of nourishing life. The concept of optimising health and well-being through nurturing mind, body and spirit became her new passion – a passion she shares with her clients.
The Art of Grieving
Corinne Laan
Rockpool Publishing
ISBN: 9781922579201
RRP: $29.95
Question: What originally inspired the idea of The Art of Grieving?
Corinne Laan: The Art of Grieving was at first a fleeting vision I had: a book about healing. I shared some of my writing with women and the more I shared the more I became encouraged to keep on writing.
Question: What did you learn, about yourself, whilst writing The Art of Grieving?
Corinne Laan: I learned to let go of the perfectionist in me which was hard to do. Wanting things to be perfect can stop the creative process and creates blocks. The other thing I learned is not to wait for inspiration to find me. Sitting behind my laptop and resting my fingers on the keyboard and start typing is when inspiration comes.
Question: Was it difficult reliving certain aspects/times of your life, whilst writing The Art of Grieving?
Corinne Laan: Absolutely, I remember this particular time while writing the chapter My story, I had to stop several times because I could not see through the tears. I could not bring myself to read that chapter again for a while.
Question: Can you share some tips with us, featured in the book?
Corinne Laan: Grieving is a slow process and there is no quick fix remedy. Slow down and give yourself all the time and space you need to heal. When you are facing a difficult time, give yourself the same compassion and empathy you would give to a friend in need.
Question: What research did you do, prior to writing The Art of Grieving?
Corinne Laan: A lot of what I share in the book is based on what I do intuitively and things I learned along the way and from my own culture. I did read a lot about grief, healing using complementary therapies and read books on spirituality and energy healing.
Question: What advice do you have for aspiring writers or artists?
Corinne Laan: The creative process is often slow and that's ok. You don't need to write a lot or create a lot, allow the process to unfold naturally rather than forced. Believe in your work and pour your heart and soul into it. Take a break when you feel you need it. Sometimes, taking a step back can thrust you forward in your creativity.
Question: What or who inspired your love of reading/writing?
Corinne Laan: I have always been an avid reader from a young age. I love reading all kinds of books. As a child I used to write short stories and theatre plays just for fun.
Question: What's next, for you?
Corinne Laan: I am currently working on a set of affirmation cards. I do have a couple of book ideas as well that I would love to work on.
Interview by Gwen van Montfort – 27 July, 2022