Shaheen Miro

Author, Intuitive Consultant

Shaheen Miro is a spiritual nomad working with people all over the world to help them reclaim their power through intuitive guidance, energy work, and spiritual cleansing. As a tarot and tea leaf reader, he conducts workshops and presentations nationally.

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Recent News about Shaheen Miro

The Lunar Nomad Oracle Review

The Lunar Nomad Oracle Review

When my Soul Whispers Reviews of the Lunar Nomad Oracle

Shaheen Miro Inspires You to Tap Into Your Lunar Self

Shaheen Miro Inspires You to Tap Into Your Lunar Self

Watch the Card Trailer for The Lunar Nomad Oracle The Lunar Nomad Oracle: 43 Cards to Unlock Your Creativity and Awaken Your Intuition. By Shaheen Miro The Lunar Nomad Oracle is inspired by the traditional Lenormand system, but unlike the Lenormand, this deck comprises 43 cards and additional significator cards that are multiracial and multiethnic.