Rockpool Publishing

Seasons of the Witch: Mabon Oracle, by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz

Musing Mystical - A Gathering Place for Magical Readers and Writers

Seasons of the Witch: Mabon Oracle by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz is a captivating addition to the Season of the Witch series, particularly for those who are drawn to the spiritual and mystical aspects of autumn. Filled with fall foliage and scenes of the harvest season, the card in this deck encapsulates the bountiful feelings of this season

The authors describe in their introduction how the cards in this deck “prioritize spiritual self-care, specifically care around establishing boundaries, surrendering to changes and letting go of what no longer serves.”1 

This focus of shedding the old and nurturing oneself reminds me of the trees during the autumn season, dropping their leaves and going inward to make it through the dark winter season. There’s even “Falling leaves spread” the authors share too, along with other ones such as “Molasses spread” and “Maple tree spread”.

The full review by Musing Mystical is available to read online.

Seasons of the Witch Mabon

Mabon is a celebration of the Earth, embodying balance, equality, and harmony. As the wheel of the year comes full circle, it’s the perfect opportunity to set intentions, release any lingering tension, and establish fresh personal goals.

This elegantly designed book and card deck set includes 44 oracle cards, each serving as a source of spiritual insight rooted in ancient Mabon traditions, aimed at helping you uncover answers to your most profound questions.

Unlike previous decks in the series, this collection emphasizes intuitive messages rather than invocations. These insights illuminate each card's deeper significance, making it an ideal choice for beginners eager to enhance their intuitive reading skills.

The cards resonate with your energy, guiding you to unlock your inner wisdom with the assistance of powerful spiritual forces. Alongside insightful meanings, each card features impactful word spells to channel its energy and send your intentions for spiritual well-being out into the universe.

The Seasons of the Witch Mabon oracle deck is available to buy online or from your local bookstore.

Musing Mystical – 04 October, 2024