Rockpool Publishing

Review of Seasons of the Witch Imbolc

In the darkness of winter, Imbolc is a time of fresh starts, hope, and renewal, as we begin to see signs of the spring returning. While others rush to make their new year’s resolution in January, I’ve always known the potent magic in waiting until Imbolc to start crafting my intentions. And this year I’m really excited to have Seasons of the Witch: Imbolc Oracle by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz  to turn to for guidance as I map out my intentions for the upcoming months.

The Season of the Witch oracle series has already moved through YuleSamhain, and Mabon, and with this deck Anderson and Diaz turn their focus to encapsulating the energy of Imbolc into the next deck in the series. Anderson and Diaz describe how they find Imbolc “to be the most suited for solitary work, a time when you turn inward and focus on your hopes and dreams."


Imbolc symbolizes patience, hope, transitions, and the gradual return to light after the winter's darkness—making it an ideal time for self-reflection.

During this period, the challenges of a spiritually bleak cycle can stir feelings of vulnerability or uncertainty about your path forward, and you may find yourself seeking encouragement to persevere.

This sabbat is particularly suited for solitary spiritual practices, allowing you to turn inward and focus on your personal aspirations and dreams.

This beautifully crafted book and card deck set features 44 oracle cards, each serving as a source of spiritual insight inspired by ancient Imbolc traditions. They provide guidance for your deepest questions, offering glimpses into the cards' meanings that make it accessible for beginners to hone their intuitive reading skills.

These cards resonate with your energy, unlocking your inner wisdom while drawing on powerful spiritual forces. Each card comes with thoughtful interpretations and evocative word spells designed to channel its energy and send your intentions for spiritual well-being into the universe.

The Seasons of the Witch Imbloc Oracle is available to purchase via the Rockpool website now!

Musing Mystical – 04 January, 2024