Rockpool Publishing

Review: Cosmic Reading Cards activates your dormant energies !!

Anyone who has ever tried to transcend the limitations placed on them by narrow minds and crushing social scripts will attest to how challenging this path is. Reaching out to our higher selves, and then connecting that higher self to universal love and wisdom is a task easier said than done. It is made much less daunting with the aid of a compassionate guide, one whose sole purpose is to help us evolve, which is where the Cosmic Reading Cards shine.

These cards are intended to activate our dormant energies and cosmic connections, help us defy our limitations, and connect our consciousness to our unconstrained potential. In short, they are designed to enhance your life by providing spiritual solutions to the big questions. The cards represent spiritual truths from both mainstream and alternative religious paths, however the underlying power, an impressive current, in the cards, is sourced from Mother Nature herself.

This is a 36-card oracle deck – it has neither Major or Arcana, nor is it divided into suits. The cards measure 95 x 140 mm, which makes them a fairly regular sized oracle deck, but for those used to using more compact and narrow tarot cards, oracle cards can seem quite outsize.

The card stock is of very high quality – solid and sturdy yet light and flexible. The cards have a smooth and glossy finish which facilitates easy handling and shuffling. The print quality is excellent, with the original artwork and dazzling colours reproduced in clean, crisp images. Additionally, there are no misprints, no blurring, no colour bleeds.

The artwork, done in acrylic paint on canvas, is the artist Nari Anastarsia’s unique spiritual vision channelled from sacred and ancient energy sources. Some of the images feature starry skies, others have organic webs of energy, many have female figures – both human and divine, and in yet others powerful totems appear. These are swirling trance inductions and shamanic visions with titles such as Celestial Teacher, Cosmic Connection, Free Spirit, Mirrored Souls, Unconditional Love, Sacred Journey, Shadow Self, Transformation, Walk Your Truth, and so forth. The artist's palette is bright and unrestricted, however there is a preponderance of mystical blues, purples, and potent reds. Nari Anastarsia’s style reflects elements of both naive and new age art; it is confident and energetic, with bold movement and fine details.

The images are framed by a blue border, with the title given at the bottom, and the card number given at the top. The design on the back, the cosmic web (or Sith lightning, depending on your preference) is rendered in shades of blue, and is not reversible. Then again, this deck is not intended to be read with reversed cards.

The cards come packaged in a solid cardboard box, with a fold back lid which is kept closed with magnetic clasps. The cards sit in a cardboard well in the centre of the box, with the guidebook atop them. The cover is finished in shades of blue with titles given in silver, and featuring images from the Cosmic Reading Cards, as well as information about the deck. The box is slim enough to slip into a bag or backpack, and sturdy enough to withstand some heavy handling without sustaining any significant damage, and more importantly protecting the cards and book within.

The 96 page guidebook is written by the cards conceptual originator and artist Nari Anastarsia. The Introduction backgrounds the purpose of the cards, and discloses that this guidebook can be used for bibliomancy – hold the issue in your mind and open the book at a random (or not random but chosen specifically by higher forces) page for an answer to your issue. Given that this would negate the purpose of actually having the cards, it is best viewed as a quick fix rather than a go-to method of divination.

About These Cards carries on the information began in the Introduction – the purpose of the cards and the reason for their creation. How to Use the Cards gives details on how to read the cards for someone else as well as oneself. It gives the fundamentals of a reading from grounding and centring oneself, and includes directions for a one card draw, three card draw, and five card spread.

The Psychic Development chapter, short though it is, details the four major psychic modalities (clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, and clairaudience), defines them, gives exercises to strengthen these capabilities, and provides a tip on how best to achieve this. ‘Chakras’ briefly outlines what these energy centres are and how they function in our etheric body. A small table of correspondences is included detailing the name of the chakra, where it is located, its colour, and parts of the body and emotions which it primarily affects. Included here is information about 'energy layers’ which make up your aura, and an exercise to help you to see them is provided.

Each card has its own small chapter featuring a full colour reproduction of the card. While the image on the card is not described nor is any background given, the divinatory meaning is detailed and offered with insight, compassion, and love. The wording is couched in the language of new-age spirituality, so yes, there is talk of manifestation, auras, light and shadows, souls, love, dreams, transformation, and other cosmic buzzwords. This does not negate the value of the teachings and guidance of the Cosmic Reading Cards. Included with each card is an affirmation or prayer, and its associated chakra.

If you are after a broadly new age oracle deck then the Cosmic Reading Cards are well worth checking out. If you are after a deck which will guide you with wisdom and compassion these cards will absolutely do that. If you are a fan of new age, goddess-centred art then the beautiful illustrations of this deck will surely draw you in. This is a gorgeous, heartfelt deck that will open inner doors to amazing worlds contained within you.

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Medusawink from Aeclectic Tarot – 17 November, 2017