Rockpool Publishing

New book on Ford roars into Rockpool

New book celebrates Ford muscle cars from the golden era — the late 1960s to the early 1970s

The well-documented glory days of Australia’s muscle car era have attracted – and continue to attract – widespread attention and the latest offering, Ford: The Muscle Car Classics 1969–79, is a richly detailed account of the era.

With more than 300 photos backed by insights into the people who developed them, as well as a detailed analysis of all the muscle cars themselves, the book would be a welcome addition to any Ford enthusiast’s library.

Covering Ford muscle cars from the Falcon XW GT-HO to the XA, XB and Cobra, it takes the reader to the race circuits where they stamped their presence, while telling the stories behind the people involved.

Ford: The Muscle Car Classics 1969–79 is the work of Motorsport News editor Steve Normoyle and is published by Rockpool Publishing. It goes on sale on August 1 for $29.99.


Source: – 10 July, 2015