Melissa Christie is the women's health advocate behind PCOS Pathways, author of The PCOS Journal, co-host of The PCOS Girls Podcast and mum to two rainbow babies. Melissa came to realise that the core of good healthcare, needed to reside in the knowledge that we are all different and that what works for one, wouldn't necessarily work for another. In 2016, Melissa gave birth to her son and began sharing her belief that to heal and maintain health, we need to understand our own body and become aware of the many approaches we can take to healing, including those outside of western medicine. She released The PCOS Journal and began receiving messages of pregnancies and improved symptoms because of the information she had shared. She became a fluent speaker on women's health - from fertility to the truth about hormonal contraceptives and the need for this information to be taught in schools. Melissa currently spends her days huddled up with her family, writing and immersed in music.