Margaret Stephenson Meere
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Margaret Stephenson Meere

Registered nurse/midwife

Margaret Stephenson Meere, BA BHSc, is an Early Childhood Health Practitioner based in Sydney.

A registered nurse/midwife, with working experience in both Australia and the UK spanning nearly four decades, she came to the realisation in the 1980s that education and prevention, rather than cure, is preferable for a healthy life experience.

Margaret brings to her work a belief in holistic medicine, having trained in Cranio-sacral therapy (Paediatrics) with the Upledger Institute and also in Hellerwork postural correction and counselling. She studied Human Bioscience with a major in History to complete her Bachelor of Arts. Her work as an Early Childhood and Family Health Nurse Specialist commenced after she completed her Tresillian training.

A mother of four sons and grandmother to four delightful grandchildren she spends most of her time on the mid north coast of New South Wales.

Margaret’s first book, Baby’s First 100 Days, was published in 2001.

Margaret will be appearing at the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival on the 8th October 2009 for the International Launch of The Child within the Lotus. For more information on the launch click the image below

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Recent News about Margaret Stephenson Meere

Menopause: A must read for all health care providers

Menopause: A must read for all health care providers

Book Review: “Menopause,Change Choice and HRT” Dr Barry G Wren and Margaret Stephenson Meere This book ‘Menopause Change, Choice and HRT’ is a timely reminder that for many women transitioning through this important marker in their ageing process, there is sound advice and guidance at hand that will enable most women to make informed choices.

Doctors rethink hormone therapy

Doctors rethink hormone therapy

AUSTRALIAN doctors are being told to reconsider hormone replacement therapy for menopause after a major review found the controversial treatment was safe for most women in their 50s. Over the past decade, hundreds of thousands of women have abandoned or avoided HRT to treat symptoms of menopause because a 2002 US study said it dramatically increased the risk of heart disease, strokes, breast cancer and blood clots.

Menopause Book Review

Menopause Book Review

Book Review Menopause: change, choice and HRT By Dr Barry G. Wren and Margaret Stephenson Meere Rockpool Publishing; Summer Hill, 2013 Over the last 11 years menopause has experienced its own ‘dark ages’ much to the detriment of women who happened to be transitioning menopause or who were post-menopausal.