Rockpool Publishing

Lammas Oracle Review from The Seasons of the Witch Oracle Series

Lammas Oracle Review from The Seasons of the Witch Oracle Series

Lammas is the first of three harvest Sabbats (Lammas, Mabon and Samhain) and celebrates the crops of late summer and early autumn.

This is a day to celebrate the beginnings of the harvest when the grain and corn is gathered. It’s the time of year when predictions can be made about the abundance of the upcoming harvest based on the visible signs of the fruits already growing on the vines.

In the case of an abundant crop that was promising, there would be much celebrating for the blessings about to be bestowed upon them.

The Seasons of the Witch Lammas Oracle

Get ready for the unveiling of the eagerly anticipated seventh deck in the wildly popular Seasons of the Witch series, by Lorriane Anderson, Tijana Lukovic, and Juliet Diaz.

This enchanting deck is centered around the season of Lammas, a time of reaping the rewards of your hard work and embracing gratitude, capturing the powerful energy of the ultimate boss witch. Feast your eyes on 44 breathtaking cards, each brimming with its own mystic symbols waiting to be uncovered.

Dive into the accompanying guidebook, packed with invocations and engaging activities created to guide you in deepening your bond with the spirit of Lammas as you nourish and fortify your dreams.

Prepare to be uplifted and emboldened as this deck ignites your self-assurance and empowers you to fearlessly pursue your innermost passions.

The Oracle Deck

To check out the Seasons of the Witch Lammas Oracle deck for yourself, click here!

Heather Hardison from Healing Thru Tarot – 20 June, 2024