Inspirational Box Set II

By: Andres Engracia and Jessica Le


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Published: Aug/17 (AU/NZ)

Display these fascinating new sets of inspiration and affirmation cards on your counter. Each counterpack contains 18 setsincluding Crystal Wisdom, Fairy Dust, Flower Petals and Whispering Wood valued at $14.99 each

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ISBN: 9781925429701

Published: Aug/17 (AU/NZ)

Format: Slipcase

Dimensions: 120 mm  x  330 mm

About The Author

Andres Engracia

Andres Engracia

Actor, Author, Clairvoyant Medium

Andrés Engracia is an accomplished Author, Podcaster, Photographer and Actor, who is best known for his praised publication of Pure Magic Oracle and Druid Wisdom card decks.
Through his writing, Andrés explores areas of metaphysical wisdom through subjects in cultural spiritualities, magical history, plant-spirit-medicine and ritual practices. A self-confessed nomad, Andres has travelled across multiple countries around the world picking up folklore and magickal knowledge within every land. He has previously lived in Scotland and the UK were he began his Druidic studies at the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. He currently resides in Sydney, Australia

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Jessica Le

Jessica Le

Jessica Le is an illustrator who takes the wondrous fantasy of storybook worlds and reimagines them with both whimsy and elegance. Her illustrations evoke feelings from nostalgic excitement of one's own childhood realms to the mellow peace of finding beauty in the everyday. However, all of these emotions are underpinned by how her skills in linework and colour transport the audience into worlds that can simultaneously be convincing in their realism and heartwarming in their lushness.  

She graduated with a Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication with First Class Honours from the University of Technology, Sydney. Her works have been featured in international magazines like Spine Magazine UK) and locally in Whim Magazine Aus). If she's not drawing she can be found poring over 19th Century English art

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