Rockpool Publishing

Getting Back to Mother Nature With Natural Remedies For Your Skin and Hair

A Review of From Earth by Charlotte Rasmussen in Family Grapevine Magazine from Brighton & Hove and Eastbourne & Lewis UK

From Earth: Create Your Own Natural Apothecary by Charlotte Rasmussen is a great read and a must-have reference book for anyone interested in going down the route of a more natural and cleaner way of looking after their health, skin and hair.

How many of us have been frustrated at the unintelligible list of ingredients of our body creams, and wish to go back to simpler, with no nasty chemicals, and less wasteful way of taking care of our skin, hair and health?

My main takes are:
1) We wash too often which depletes our skin/hair of their natural way of regulating itself – this is a good news on the front of trying to save energy and water… you don’t have to shower every day! Though a quick daily wash of the ‘smelly’ parts with a flannel is still (highly) recommended!

2) Herbs, flowers, roots have amazing properties - no wonder it has been used for centuries! They can help maintain a good health and are a remedy for all sorts of conditions. Though a note of warning, essential oils are, for most, not recommended for pregnant women and the author always gives an alternative remedy recipe, so don’t worry! and for those who have a pooch or a cat, it is worth checking before switching on that diffuser as many essential oils can be harmful to them.

3) Creating your own Family Apothecary is easy following the tips outlined in Charlotte Rasmussen’s book. It is definitely something I will aim to gradually build, to create remedies to relieve bumps, bruises, colds, skin rash, headaches, insomnia but also acne treatment (handy with a teen in the house!) or to simply help you relax!

I have attempted to make my own cream/balm before with the idea of moving to a more natural way of healing/moisturising but was unsuccessfully and I am really eager to have a go again now that I have a comprehensive guide on hand. I am even considering gathering some friends with the same interest and why not organising a ‘balm-making-party’! This has also inspired me to think of what herbs and flowers to grow this spring!

So, if you know anyone interested in natural remedies, this book is beautifully presented and would be a great gift that will keep on giving… and Christmas is just around the corner – just saying !

Link to the Article in Family Grapevine

Family Grapevine – 06 December, 2022