Daily Rituals Oracle

Practice intention with mindfulness

By: Jackie Morgan and Constanza Goeppinger


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Published: Feb/22 (AU/NZ), Apr/22 (US), Feb/22 (UK)

This immersive 36-card deck has been created to help you bring intention and ritual into your day. The goddesses who have been described in the cards will help elevate your daily routines into rituals and create mindfulness practices out of the mundane.

Each card contains a mantra (affirmation), message and ritual you can connect to and practise with mindfulness and intention. The message will provide you with guidance; the affirmation is for you to repeat as often as you like; and the ritual is the practice you can do today to bring the card's intention to life.

Display your chosen daily rituals card somewhere around your house or workspace where you'll see it most: it's your visual reminder of the day's daily ritual practice. This deck really is a unique interpretation of an affirmation meets oracle.

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ISBN: 9781922579461

Published: Feb/22 (AU/NZ), Apr/22 (US), Feb/22 (UK)

Format: Cards

Extent: 88 pages

About The Author

Jackie Morgan

Jackie Morgan

Jackie Morgan is the owner of Eunoia Soul Rituals, a ritual and oracle card brand inspired by the intention of encouraging others to elevate their daily routines into rituals and create mindfulness practices out of the mundane. Jackie is passionate about reducing the stigma around mental health and the benefits of tuning into a positive intention each day. Her cards and words are created with the hope of encouraging moments of stillness, presence and reflection and help people to pause and reconnect back to themselves amongst the busy-ness of their day

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Constanza Goeppinger

Constanza Goeppinger

Constanza is an illustrator from Chile, based in Australia. After finishing a course of Graphic Design in Australia, she found the world of illustration and fell in love with it. She rediscovered her love for drawing and likes to focus on drawing women and flowers. Her main source of inspiration comes from editorial fashion photography but also from nature. Most of her work is digital as it gives her more freedom to play and experiment with color and patterns which she enjoys the most.

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