Rockpool Publishing

Book Review - Natural Remdies -an A-Z of cures for health and wellbeing

Book Review - Natural Remdies -an A-Z of cures for health and wellbeing by Deb Ashton

I found this book was easy to read and understand. It is set out alphabetically, with sections clearly delineated to define the condition, common symptoms as well as what the causes may be. It describes the remedies as well as relevant dietary changes. There is a quick "at a glance" reference section in each condition. This precis of the information is helpful if you are short of time for more detailed reading. I'm usually sceptical when it comes to A-Z compilations promoting cure-alls. The information was up-to- date, accurate and unbiased. The author was clear in stipulating the book was for general information only and to see a qualified practitioner to assist when necessary.

The book included conditions such as; Anorexia nervosa, Food sensitivities, Gluten intolerance, IBD, MS and Osteoperosis. I often find that A-Z type books offer information is out dated or is incorrect. Often authors have their own view on what health is and what it should be that prevents the information presented from being unbiased. I was pleasantly surprised and pleased with this updated modern compendium. As a busy practitioner, this is a quick reference book I am happy have on my shelf.


About the reviewer
Deb Ashton ND RN - Australian Naturopath Practitioners Association

Debra Ashton is an ANPA committee member. As a Naturopath and Registered Nurse she has been running her own multi-modality practice in Adelaide for many years. She specialises in inflammatory, auto-immune and chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.


Deb Ashton ND RN - Australian Naturopath Practitioners Association – 27 August, 2014