Anthony Grzelka
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Anthony Grzelka

Author, Medium

Anthony Grzelka, 39-year-old father of three is one of Australia's leading spiritual Mediums. As the Australian equivalent to John Edwards, he conducts seminars, workshops and private readings throughout Australia. His private readings are booked out for two years.

Four years ago when his corporate career became unfulfilling Anthony, a one time boiler rmaker, began using his unique psychic gift, talking to those from the past to bring hope and relief to families and individuals whose lives have been affected by tragedy, sickness and disaster.

His approach to helping people deal with grief and achieve spiritual wellbeing is down-to-earth, practical and achievable.
And the results, are “beyond belief” say the astonished families who've experienced Anthony's special brand of 'crossing over'. He is the man dubbed Australia's own ''Ghost Whisperer'' - and the only Aussie medium endorsed by respected US medium, James Van Praagh.