Anna Stark

Author and Energy Specialist

Anna Stark is a professional Psychic/Medium and Energy Specialist. She began her love for reading tarot at age 15, and would sense spirit constantly throughout her readings. Growing up in country New South Wales, Australia, Anna would often receive psychic messages about people, events and places during her childhood. In a search to understand her own unique abilities, she found a love for all things paranormal, developing a love for history and sociological understanding.

In an effort to heal her own stress, panic attacks and anxiety in her early 20’s, Anna began to explore natural methods of healing. Anna was able to heal her own physical and emotional issues and soon it became a passion, later becoming a Reiki Master and Teacher in the healing modalities of Usui, Seichem and Angelic Reiki®, later becoming a Kinesiologist.

Loved by clients and students, her realistic, down to earth nature provides compassion, understanding and personal mentoring. Anna’s soul purpose is to empower others so they can realise their unlimited potential. It is her primary mission to motivate others into higher states of consciousness through self-development, knowledge and spiritual understanding.

Anna’s life mission is to educate, creating awareness about our minds healing potential, intuition, energy and our conscious being. Anna presents seminars, workshops and courses in Australia for those seeking transformation in their health and wellbeing, spiritual development, consciousness, channeling and self-mastery.


Bachelor of Arts, Major History and Sociology (BArts)
BTeach (Sec)
Angelic Reiki ®MT
Usui MT
Sechiem MT

Products by Anna Stark

Recent News about Anna Stark

Sacred Spirit Oracle by Anna Stark and illustrated by Louis Dyer

Sacred Spirit Oracle by Anna Stark and illustrated by Louis Dyer

A Review of Anna Stark's Latest Release Sacred Spirit Oracle Sacred Spirit Oracle: Spiritual Guidance for Your Life Journey by Anna Stark and illustrated by Louis Dyer is a beautifully crafted 36-card deck designed to provide deep spiritual insights through a harmonious blend of animal imagery and otherworldly visuals.

Sacred Spirit Oracle Review & Walkthrough

Sacred Spirit Oracle Review & Walkthrough

Sacred Spirit Oracle – Review and Walkthrough by Aurora Beth Tarot The Sacred Spirit Oracle is a profound and beautifully designed deck by Anna Stark, with stunning illustrations by Louis Dyer.

Sacred Spirit Reading Cards Unboxing Video

Sacred Spirit Reading Cards Unboxing Video

Sacred Spirit Reading Cards Unboxing Video By Ethony Follow Ethony's You Tube Channel here

Sacred Spirit Reading Cards Bruja Review

Sacred Spirit Reading Cards Bruja Review

Spunky mystic and intuitive bruja Aly of Dominican Baby Bruja runs through the the Sacred Spirit Reading Cards, the second collaboration by artist Louis Dyer and author Anna Stark, released by Rockpool Publishing.

Sacred Spirit Reading Cards Unboxing

Sacred Spirit Reading Cards Unboxing

Maven Unmasked is back again with a new year of oracle reviews and first impression insights, starting with the upcoming Sacred Spirit Cards by Anna Stark and illustrated by Louis Dyer.

Sacred Power Reading Cards - French Review

Sacred Power Reading Cards - French Review

Les forces de Guérison: Review Calling all Parisian beauties! Due to the enormous requests we are excited to share that the Sacred Power Reading Cards by Anna Stark are now officially available in the French language! From the spectacularly mesmerizing illustrations by Louis Dyer, who can't get enough of these energies?! Check out the review by local mystic and tarot reader, Murmures de Gaïa" Whispers of Gaia).



Merci beaucoup! Pour votre commentaire on the Sacred Power Reading Cards by Anna Stark! For our French followers please enjoy the wonderful review by Laetitia Tarot as she takes us through the cards and their energies.

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Intuitive Review

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Intuitive Review

Check out this unique review of the Sacred Power Reading Cards by Anna Stark, intuitively interpreted by Scott Schumacher. Whether you have your own copy already or not, this special walk-through of each card is interpreted in a fresh new light of psychic insight that everyone can benefit from.

Maven Unmasks the Sacred Power Reading Cards

Maven Unmasks the Sacred Power Reading Cards

Take in the excitement and magic of Anna Stark's Sacred Power Reading Cards through Blogger Intuitive reader, Maven Unmasked. To see more of Anna Stark and her Sacred Power Reading Cards, vist: To see more Oracle reviews by Maven Unmasked, visit:

Oracle Deck Review: Sacred Power Reading Cards

Oracle Deck Review: Sacred Power Reading Cards

Oracle Deck Review: Sacred Power Reading Cards Sacred Power Reading Cards is a high-vibe deck by Anna Stark, illustrated by Louis Dyer and published by Rockpool Publishing. These cards are gorgeous links to all types of sacred, spiritual, and soulful attributes.

Sacred Power Reading Cards Unboxing

Sacred Power Reading Cards Unboxing

Published on Aug 25, 2017 Some Oracle magic arrived from Australia! I am so excited to share my unboxing and first impressions of the Sacred Power Reading Cards. You can get your copy here

Unboxing + Review | Sacred Power Reading Cards

Unboxing + Review | Sacred Power Reading Cards

Thanks to The New Age Hipster for her wonderful review of the Sacred Power Reading Cards