2021 Astrology Diary - Southern Hemisphere

By: Patsy Bennett


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Published: Aug/20 (AU/NZ)

Make 2021 your year with Patsy's astrology guide to the signs and stars. Focus on health, wealth and happiness with up-to-date insight into major planetary alignments and what they will mean for you, including eclipses, new moons, full moons and sun sign forecasts throughout the year.

Southern hemisphere planner with astrological interpretations
Week-at-a-glance diary
Monthly sun sign forecasts
Tips for excelling during eclipse seasons
When to grow ideas, when to take action
Romance, health, wealth and happiness hotspots
Dates, signs and meanings of 2021 new moons and full moons
Mercury retrogrades: how to make them work for you

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ISBN: 9781925924145

Published: Aug/20 (AU/NZ)

Format: Paperback

Extent: 160 pages

About The Author

Patsy Bennett

Patsy Bennett

Author, Astrologer

Patsy Bennett is a rare combination of astrologer and psychic medium. Her horoscopes are published in newspapers and magazines in Australia and internationally and she has written freelance for publications including Nature and Health and Practical Parenting. Patsy has appeared on several live daytime TV and radio shows, including Studio 10 and The Project. Her books Astrology: Se-crets of the Moon, Your Horoscope for 2020', the Astrology Diaries and Zodiac Reading Cards are published by Rockpool Publishing. Born in New Zealand, Patsy relocated to the UK where, in the 1980s, she worked as a sub-editor and production editor for women's and fashion magazines including Woman's Own and ELLE UK). Patsy studied astrology at the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London in the 1990s and, in 1998, relocated to Australia, where she worked as a reporter for local newspapers in the Northern NSW area; wrote freelance for magazines and continued her practice as an astrologer. Patsy has worked as a professional astrologer and medium for over 24 years. She began reading palms and tarot at age 14, and experienced mediumistic insights as young as 12. Patsy is a natural medium and has perfected her skill by studying with some of the world's foremost mediums.

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